A poet and the earthquake

A poet and the earthquake


Incredible view // Vistas increíbles

Exploring the Southern Spain with my motorbike and my Fuji cameras #100DaysOfFreedom

Exploring the Southern Spain with my motorbike and my Fuji cameras #100DaysOfFreedom

Exploring the Southern Spain with my motorbike and my Fuji cameras #100DaysOfFreedom

Aledo. Estrecho de la Agualeja 2

Estrecho de Agualeja

Exploring the Southern Spain with my motorbike and my Fuji cameras #100DaysOfFreedom

Atardecer en Lorca

El duende de la pared

Estrecho Arboleja.

Exploring the Southern Spain with my motorbike and my Fuji cameras #100DaysOfFreedom

las varices de la tierra

Aledo. Estrecho de la Agualeja 8

Aledo. Estrecho de la Agualeja 4

Aledo. Estrecho de la Agualeja 7

Fortaleza del Sol - Castillo de Lorca

Estrecho de la agualeja III

Estrecho de la agualeja II

Aledo. Estrecho de la Agualeja 3

Entremares!!! Buen domingo!

Salinas 2013

7 meses después I