A poet and the earthquake

A poet and the earthquake

Incredible view // Vistas increíbles

Exploring the Southern Spain with my motorbike and my Fuji cameras #100DaysOfFreedom

Salinas 2013

Exploring the Southern Spain with my motorbike and my Fuji cameras #100DaysOfFreedom

7 meses después I

Exploring the Southern Spain with my motorbike and my Fuji cameras #100DaysOfFreedom

Rincones encantadores

Exploring the Southern Spain with my motorbike and my Fuji cameras #100DaysOfFreedom

Castillo de Lorca 2

Exploring the Southern Spain with my motorbike and my Fuji cameras #100DaysOfFreedom

Entremares!!! Buen domingo!


Estrecho de la Arboleja

Buenos días #pajitas .....no #pajillas.... Sí #pajitas

Aledo. Estrecho de la Agualeja 2

Estrecho de Agualeja

El #tiocosa disfrazado de #faroling o la #farola disfrazada del #tiocosa .....eso solo lo sabrá el experto en ellas!!!! @torres espero tu opinión!!!

Atardecer en Lorca

El duende de la pared

Mi padre


Granada to Valencia, near Lorca IMG_1738