Admiring the View

Gopher tortoise burrow at the Tillman Sand Ridge Heritage Preserve (360° x 180° Panorama)

Tillman Sand Ridge Heritage Preserve (360° x 180° Panorama)

Friday Sunrises are best

B & C Landing 8_1, Jasper County SC, 03/19/09

July22 (11 of 115)


Becks Ferry Landing, 1_2, 11/26/09, Jasper County SC



GA-SC Border

Approaching the Railroad Trestle

Pine Forest 1 Jasper County SC 12/00/11

Effingham Courthouse Painting

Ebenezer Creek kayaking

The cypress swamp

Inside the cypress swamp

Paddling in the Oxbow Lake

Inside the cypress swamp

Approaching the Wrecked Barge

Inside the cypress swamp

Ebenezer Creek kayaking

Heading Back to the River

Pot Of Color