223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0025

Solar Hot Water System Supplier Beaufort County

Pine Forest 1 Jasper County SC 12/00/11

forest floor along hwy 462, Jasper County SC, 04/24/11

Euhaw Creek, a Tidal Creek and Marsh in Rural Jasper County South Carolina

Old Abandoned boat at Euhaw Creek

Chechessee River

I-95 Over the Coosawhatchie

Euhaw Creek Jasper County South Carolina

Coosawhatchie River

223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0023

High Tide at Euhaw Creek

121214-6257 Ridgeland

1183 Club Way - Hilton Head Lakes

305 Oleander Way - Hampton Pointe

walking the interstate

Love this river too.

Switzerland #easter #sundaydrive

223A Azalea Drive-Hampton Pointe-0024