Gammal fäbod old

Old House

Creek Tunnel

Old Barn in Dalarna, Sweden

Clouds in Water

The Time has passed...

Säter - Empty House

Shabby Window wooden house

Abandoned House in the Wood

Beautiful forest view. We've been having forest fires here in Sweden due to a thunderstorm. Hope everything gets better so that we get blessed with these views and everyone is safe.

Clouds In Water_BW

Dalarna - Decayed Barn

Swedish Road in wood

bäckravinen Säterdalen

View from jätteklacken

View from jätteklacken

Norns Hytta

Dalarna, Small Bridge

Sweden - Dalarna - Road, Prästhyttan

Such a good day today! We went out for a while and it was splendid. This view is absolutely radiating happiness. Smells so good in our kitchen right now too! #cleaneats #vegan #vegetarian #hälsasverige #healthy #getfit #fitness #health #lowca

Psychiatric Hosptial

Childhood memories

Quiet river in Gustavs, Dalarna, early Summer

Vår vid Dalälven

Quiet river in Gustavs, Dalarna, early Summer

Evening light

The world upside down