Creek Tunnel

Old Barn in Dalarna, Sweden

Reflection at River

Old House

Some Water, Some Sky


Säter - Empty House

Shabby Window wooden house

Green Field

Dalarna - Decayed Barn

Landscape Green Field Dalarna

Dalarna, Small Bridge

Clouds In Water_BW

Clouds in Water

The Time has passed...

Abandoned House in the Wood

Beautiful forest view. We've been having forest fires here in Sweden due to a thunderstorm. Hope everything gets better so that we get blessed with these views and everyone is safe.

Sweden - Dalarna - Road, Prästhyttan

Swedish Road in wood

bäckravinen Säterdalen

View from jätteklacken

Childhood memories

Whooper swans

End of a Day

Norns Hytta

Beautiful day for a picnic near the lake. The water was nice and warm too.

Path in the woods

Quiet river in Gustavs, Dalarna, early Summer

Vår vid Dalälven

Quiet river in Gustavs, Dalarna, early Summer

Winter road

Trees 'n shit

The world upside down