the Band Cultus Ferox

Gustav-Adolf-Stabkirche in Hahnenklee

A view over Lautenthal #Harz #Lautenthal# #Niedersachsen #Germany #landscape #hiking #view

Lunch stop at western edge of Harz

different point of view

Sunny weather , lovely view .... Feeling relaxed ... 2014 #germany

Woods lovely, dark and deep

482 008 - Freden (Leine)


Harz Landscape 2

Harz Landscape

Condition of the Spirit

In the hills on my own

23-07-2014 | DBS 140 590, Kreiensen

Rapsfelder zw. Salzgitter und Harz


Auf Fahrradtour mit malerischem Hintergrund

23-07-2014 | TXL 185 540, Kreiensen

TXL 421 375, Beulshausen 21-09-2013

Just another Sunset

A loyal companion

DSC_1761_2_3_tonemapped Seesen Germany

DBS 152 016, Beulshausen (D)

23-07-2014 | ME 146-14, Kreiensen


Harzer Landschaft #Lautenthal #Harz #Germany #hiking #landscape #forest #outdoor #nature