POST OFFICE - Time to send New Year Wishes

Durty Nellly's Bar & Restaurant

Behind Thick Walls

Peacock Feather on White

Cargo trains, Limerick City, Co. Limerick.

Ireland - Limerick - King John's Castle

Lard Packing House

Clare glens Ireland.

Irish mist 2018

St Saviour's Church and the Tait Memorial Clock in Limerick

The Flying Huntsman, Limerick

A view along the quay in Limerick City.

The bright lights of Limerick

Broad Street in Adare

Sitting in splendid isolation?

General View, Castleconnell, Limerick

Hover (Explore: Aug 20, 2012 #222)

The view is worth the climb up the stairs [Explore 11/23/18 #404]

Peacock Feather Macro

The Wall

The Tuckers have Hatched!




Limerick Panorama


Barley Fields


Enjoying autumn sunshine


[King John's Castle Limerick]

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Ireland - Adare - Desmond Castle and Maigue River

Good Old Ireland.

King John's Castle

King John's Castle

Just testing out the new 10 Stop Filter


Some evening shots around Clancy Strand

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