Goose Down

Autumn Play

Salem Evangelical Lutheran of Scio Township

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Home in the Country

Abstract-Ghosting Trails

Highball Jiffy Mix

Stinchfield Woods. Panoramic view. June 11, 2019.

Home Away from Home

Ah the NORTH FORK MILL CREEK among its plants. Do you like mills.

"My propertyline runs through Honey Creek! Don't you wade onto my land! I hate you! The creek is mine!"

Handmade quilt - the Bethel Church ice cream social

Abandoned Greenhouse Fan

Cavanaugh Lake, Seen from Cavanaugh Lake Park, Chelsea Michigan, Photo by Wes

The Neighbor's Red Barn

#44 Chelsea Milling Company, Jiffy Mix, A few of their various buildings, Photo by Wes

Huron River Drive

Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) 2012-11-06 (11)

#44 Chelsea Milling Company, Jiffy Mix, The big silos, or elevator building,Viewed from the parking lot for the feed store, Photo by Wes

Westover Hills Homeowners Association, Sep 2, 2009

#44 Chelsea Milling Company, Jiffy Mix, The big silos, or elevator building, Photo by Wes

Sunset at the barn at High Point School, Ann Arbor, MI

Michigan Fields of Corn

Other side of Same barn as a couple of photos back

Sunglass sunset, Yep

Sunset in black and white

Hudson Mills Metropark golf course

Hudson Mills Metropark golf course

Hudson Mills Metropark golf course


The road to the Lake

August 1, 2017 Country Roads

Last Goodbye to summer

late winter dusting

Collapsing Barn off Scio Church Rd. , Ann Arbor, MI

Resolution #2: Appreciate Mother Nature, every day

The Road to Summer

Untitled, Dexter, MI, July, 2016

snow storm

Gieske Farm - Michigan