Fall Colors Views! [October 14, 2012!]

Colorful Views! P1130568 "Autumn Colors!" [ October 19, 2012 ]

*hail to the conquering heroes*

Double Monarchs

Goose Down

Eastern Wood-pewee - Contopus virens

Monarch Migration

Trumpeter Swan resting

16/366/4033 (June 27, 2019) - Fox Squirrels & Friends on a Summer Day at the University of Michigan - June 27th, 2019

Autumn Play

Ann Arbor's Bookstore Mural (Five Literary Artists)

University of Michigan 2015 Gillig Low Floor #3057

Home in the Country

Solitary Sandpiper and Lesser Yellowlegs

Water Views! "Huron River!"

Barton Dam (another HDR)

From the top of the viewing platform at Independence County Park

Springtime is Just Around the Corner

Squirrels on a Hot Day in Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan (August 5, 2016)

Christ in the Garden, Bethel United Church of Christ

"Ann Arbor Walkabout; October 1, 2019"

And the skies parted...

Sunset at the barn at High Point School, Ann Arbor, MI

"Michigan 'Gator Swamp"

Collapsing Barn off Scio Church Rd. , Ann Arbor, MI

Other side of Same barn as a couple of photos back

Ann Arbor

snow storm

Early snow

Matthaei Botanical Garden - Ann Arbor, Michigan

Rainy night on Church St.

After the Fog

Reflections Views! P1130558

The Next Morning

Summer Work

Sailing towards the unknown - Voguer vers l'inconnu

August 1, 2017 Country Roads

Sunset over the Huron River

Winter Peace

Island Park
