Honeycomb Sunset

Full Moon over the Star of India

Sea Shadows

Seals relaxing at Sunset

As Above So Below

Pacific Ocean - Sunset!

Brown Pelican ~~~

Close to the edge

San Diego Skyline II

Aloe Vista

Night lights, those blues-in-the-night lights

Pacific Wave, La Jolla, California

A Swingin’ Sunset from the “Secret Swings” of San Diego

La Jolla, California

Tunnel Vision

San Diego Pier Cafe

The Wild Blue Yonder

San Diego Convention Center (Explored)

Clair de Lune

Sitting at the Top of The Bay :: HDR

Delicate Dance (Egretta Thula), Snowy Egret

Drop It And Run

Swirling Entropy

La Jolla Sunset

Scripps Pier

C h a s m s

Moon Landing

Stormy Sunset La Jolla

Inspiration Point

Morning Commute

...find the bike

Blue Cove

Aloe Veras and Scripps Pier

Cloudy Evening on the La Jolla Coast

Pacific Beach Pier, San Diego

La Jolla Shores


November Sunset

Almost Blue Hour