Make Sure You Get My Good Side

Brown Bliss

Chevelle In A Tux

Black Beauty

Coyote Bait

A Reign Supreme

James Jeffords' Jewel

Orange You Glad

Zip Code

Looking Forward

1963 Corvette Sting Ray on Kodachrome HDR

Bronze Bonnie

Abandoned building in Flint - Colors

Two Flint Classics

Accept No Substitute

Spoiler Alert

Red On Red Brick

Sarah, Plain & Tall

Road Runner

Black Beauty

Jeannine, I Dream Of Lilac Time

Well flatten me a W and build me a canopy.


It is a turned-off fountain, see? Water is supposed to be pouring from the rim of the circle in the ceiling, see? Ah never mind.

Nondescent of nonwater at nonfunctioning concrete fountain.

Junction of Interstate 69 and Interstate 75, Flint, Michigan

A Chevrolet-logo-shaped flowerbed of silver tires.

14 Miles to Flint, Michigan, Interstate 75

Watery Condition

Enjoyment that the squares and rectangles are recessed except one is protruding instead.

It's like a table in the basement aint it haha.

Giving your heart the light to brighten

Aftermath of a treebranch spraypainting event.

The Flint River - Riverbank Park

Golden Glow

Yes or at least for the next 1,000-2,000 years I hope!!

Approaching Junction of Interstate 75 and Interstate 475, Flint, Michigan

Out for a walk on a series of mildly elevated concrete platforms.

In a field of Yellow Flowers

Glenwood Cemetery

I found a Flint-in-red-cursive.

FAMOUS-INFAMOUS FLINT RIVER downstream of Flint Michigan.