They Make Me Laugh

Do Not Feed The Cougar

Severance Pay


The Right Formula

Open For Business

Right at home!


Still Standing

Aftermath of a treebranch spraypainting event.

Steph and the Sky

Service Station

Chevy in the Hole

A Valiant Effort

Matte Magic

A Chevrolet-logo-shaped flowerbed of silver tires.

Rebel (v.)

Taking It All In

A sunny AT&T morning in downtown Flint.

top view of stacked pumpkins

Flint Skyline Panorama

Evening calm

Field & Fence

Nothing but blue skies...HFF


Here Here We Go!!

hay are we there yet

DJI_0259_60_61_Optimizer 2

December Sunset

Checkin out for a minute

Extreme Green

90 mph or bust. #detroit #michigan

In a field of Yellow Flowers

October Sky

Watery Condition

Shows the FLINT SKYLINE beyond an expanse of straw-covered mud, with tire tracks headed every which way.

Linden XC Course_015_1st Loop

Glenwood Cemetery

Spring Has Sprung