NCAA Division II Softball 8-State Classic

NCAA Division II Softball 8-State Classic

Bentonville Tigers vs Van Buren Softball

Deep view into blue

NCAA Division II Softball 8-State Classic

NCAA Division II Softball 8-State Classic

NCAA Division II Softball 8-State Classic

Bentonville Tigers vs Van Buren Softball

NCAA Division II Softball 8-State Classic

NCAA Division II Softball 8-State Classic

Crystal Bridges night view with reflection

NCAA Division II Softball 8-State Classic

The morning view from our deck at Wildwood. I knew it wasn't time to clear the leaves from the #deck yet...Very #unseasonable #spring #weather for #Arkansas in #May #igersarkansas #springsnow #trees #yard

NCAA Division II Softball 8-State Classic

Fly's Eye Dome

NCAA Division II Softball 8-State Classic

Bentonville Tigers vs Van Buren Softball

2012 Freestyle

Bentonville Tigers vs Van Buren Softball

Bentonville Tigers vs Van Buren Softball

the viewing

Arkansas Sunset

Tanyard Creek Falls

First ND Waterfall

Tanyard Creek Waterfall

ND Waterflow

Lowell Field 4

Foggy Morning

It was a nice day out today

I Think I Hear Some Walkers...

Tanyard Creek Nature Trail

Lowell Field 5

Tanyard Creek Nature Trail

Tanyard Creek Nature Trail

Looking forward to...

Tanyard Creek Nature Trail

Tanyard Creek Nature Trail

01-22-10a: Through the Fog

Tanyard Creek Nature Trail

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

Tanyard Creek Nature Trail

Tanyard Creek Nature Trail