Upstream view of Town Run, Shepherdstown, West Virginia

0189 Shepherdstown, WV

Cornfield, Antietam, rail fence

Bloody Lane, Antietam

Antietam National Battlefield - View of Bloody Lane from the Observation Tower


View out another window

Afternoon view from the Washington Monument on South Mountain, Maryland


Sherrick Farm

Burnside's Bridge, Antietam Creek

View from the Mumma Farm

Today's Obligatory Snow Picture

Merlin! Where are you? Call your dragon to weave a mist to hide us!

View towards the East Woods

Burnside's Bridge

The Lane

Conococheaque Aqueduct Arch

Antietam National Battlefield Luminaries

3 shot Pano of the Antietam Battlefield

Greenbriar Lake


Fall reflections

Greenbrier Lake, Boonsboro Maryland

Burnside Bridge

Fine Old Barn with Fresh Repairs

A lakefront gazebo overlooking Greenbrier Lake

Sundown over Greenbrier Lake at Greenbrier State Park, Maryland

{209/365} Farm pond

Agriculture is never far away

0461 Red-bellied Woodpecker, Shepherdstown, WV

Antietam Battlefield - 2010-04-27 (79)

Antietam Sunset

Brick and canon

Path to the Mumma Cemetery at Antietam

Town Run at the Princess Street riverfront in Shepherdstown, WV

An Autumn Drive

Antietam Flowers

Burnside Bridge night photo, Antietam Battlefield Maryland

Devils Backbone Park, Boonsboro MD waterfall

Cornfield, Antietam, remembering September 17, 1862