Children of the sun...
Missouri River
2013-09-16 12.12.04
Off-roading North Dakota oil patch style
The only ones I found
Goodbye MT
Welcome to MT 18
North Dakota (2)
2018 Amtrak Ride
More out west
Moose Crossing
Autumn and the golden hour
the family sure has changed since I moved away. #hahaha #yikes #bestpresentsever
Hardscrabble departure
keeping with the theme..we served up chicken fried steaks with green gravy, green mashed potatoes, green jell-o, and this batch of green mac-n-cheese! the kiddos loved it and we can check this holiday off as a massive success! #bestauntaward #familyiseve
the littles have a few surprises when they get home from school today! #iloveholidays #ilovebeinganaunt #happystpatricks
no one will be pinching this pretty girl today! (she has already pinched grandma and grandpa because apparently they forgot the rules!) #happystpatricks #familytime
getting sprite shwasted. #thebest #lookatmycutestraw #christmasdinner