You Wanted a Silhouetted Sanderling in the Sunset? Shore thing!

Indigo Gulf

walking to the light

View From The Condo, PCB

panama city beach florida

Dinner Time!

a closer look

View From The Room, PCB

panama city beach florida

PANAMA CITY BEACH - Bay County, Florida, Psalm 80:3

Snowy Egret - Egretta thula

DSC_5521 - Calypso Equipment

View from Pier - Panama City Beach Florida - 1988

PANAMA CITY BEACH - Bay County, Florida, Romans 13:12

PANAMA CITY BEACH - Bay County, Florida, Psalm 72:8

Common Lantana or Spanish Flag or West Indian Lantana - Lantana camara 2

Common Lantana or Spanish Flag or West Indian Lantana - Lantana camara 1

Natural Lines

View of the Emerald Coast at Dusk

PANAMA CITY BEACH - Bay County, Florida, Ephesians 4:26-27

'Piering' into a Glowing Gulf of Mexico

While the sun was coming down...

Pier Park Pier Panama City Beach

Gulf Coast: Explore #97 on July 11, 2014

How will I spend the rest of my days?

Coastal Dune Lake Outfall

Panama City Beach - Florida

View from Calypso

Panama City Beach, Florida, USA

Day 1

Calypso Sunset

Sun in a bucket


Until we meet again

Sunset at Pier Park

Sunset at the Beach

Ocean & Grass

The trails to the shore at Rosemary Beach

Panama City Beach, Florida.

Panama City - Pier Park