So Much Depends Upon

Pike's Peak and the USAF Thunderbirds

' Bleeder's Round 5 | (or "The Maddnezz art of Self-defense")'

late july15 2017 se view (36 of 1)

Winter walk with a Pike's Peak view

USAF Thunderbirds knife edge turn over the 2014 Air Force Graduation Ceremony

USAF Thunderbirds fly over the Class of 2014 Air Force Graduation Ceremony

USAF Thunderbirds perform at the 2014 Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

USAF Thunderbirds perform a Calypso Pass over the Class of 2014 USAF Academy Graduation

USAF Thunderbirds pass Head-to-Head (2014 Academy Graduation Ceremony)

An Icy Colorado Mining Museum

Pikes Peak

A bench w a view along the trails...

USAF Thunderbirds at the 2014 Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

Suset at Palmer Park

Colorado Springs 2.16.17

Colorado Springs 2.16.17

Marriott Sunrise

A Grocer's View

44/52 - Agree to Disagree

Purple Mountain Majestic

Icy Winter Cottonwoods

Let the Show Begin

Sunlight shimmer...

Snow White

Storm Approaching

Colorado Springs, CO

December Moon

First Ice on Briargate Pond, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Perfectly still...

eastonville3 (36 of 1)

All that glitters...

Good Morning Mountain Shadows

Blodgett Peak Snow

late july15 2017 doubleeagle (36 of 1)

A Windblown Sunrise

Sunrise on the Scar (Peakview Quarry)

Where's Fall...

Fly by...

PikesPeakMay302017.2 (36 of 1)

Palmer Park Sunset