Salmon Brook, Glastonbury, Connecticut

Manchester, Connecticut: Globe Reservoir Waterfall, side view.

Center Green and fountain, Glastonbury, Connecticut.

Bridge and reflection

Green and Gold

Center Green, Glastonbury CT

Case Mountain Waterfall: Manchester, Connecticut. (Overflow from Case Mountain Reservoir)

"Amber waves of grain . . ."

Rear View Strong Porter House

Roasting Coffee

Winter Heart_1

Woodland Meadow.

same barns different day

'gold in the grid

The Watchful Hunter

@silks_view #nofilter


#hiked up #casemountain w/ @silks_view and we made #fire ???? #nature is #healing #keepexploring #Manchester #CT #Connecticut

Great Blue #Heron often take a quick stopover in the tiny pond in my yard or the larger one at the end of the road. I envy their view of the changing leaves from above! || #bird #animal #blueheron #capture #moment #beautiful

Plum Blossoms (View on black)

@silks_view #nofilter

It’s a good morning

Golden Boy

Salmon Brook, Glastonbury, CT.

Salmon Brook.

#October sunset in Hartford, CT#10/09/13

Salmon Brook

Fall Fire

Valley Falls Park


Swamp Brook Whirlpool

Week 1: First Sunrise of 2012



Air and ice.


Spring Time House Finch