Ciao Bella

Ledgeside View

The View From Our Front Door

CSO-3 Across The Connecticut

View from Gene Pitney Park

Reprising A Favorite

Upper Case Pond view

Well...This Was Different!

Late Fall Scene

South Street Open Space - Vernon Connecticut

HP&F Bridge

Hockanum River - Vernon, Connecticut

windsor locks tower 1 (view 2)

east farmington engine tanker 9 (view 2)

east hampton engine 112 (view 2)

CSO-3 On The HP&F Bridge

windsor locks engine 2 (view 4)

The Lesser Connecticut Crossing

stafford squad 145 (view 2)

So Close!

Saturday Surprise - Train 8

Amor Fati

Haunting Beauty

Silenced By Deafening Beauty

Ripples, Reverberations and Reflected Reality

The Weeping Wall

Dawn on Blackledge Falls

Mist and Moss

String Theory

Secret Garden of the Three Sisters

When Summer Wept

When Gaia Weeps

Dripping Wet I

Forest Floor

Bahntechnische Farbfilteranlage / Rail-Related Colour Filtering Facility

Duality - Black Ledge Falls

Besorgte Böschung / Frowning Slope

Dripping Wet II

Ideallandschaft / Ideal Landscape

Iconic Ionic Columns