Emerging rose of sharon

prcssd. south el monte, ca. 2012.

Nothing lasts for ever but the earth and sky.

transporter. rowland heights, ca. 2012.

King of the Hill. Great view while on a bike ride this morning.

Santa Fe at Santa Fe Springs 57

The "Chief" @ Monrovia

Great view #mg_lifestyle_series

My Pad Or Yours

Another view of AWOL Amtrak F's

Aerial View of Santa Anita Race Track

The view from my grandpa's hospital room is the ward where I was born.

Cal Poly Pumpkin Patch Panorama

A Gathering

Mooneyes Open House 2012

starlite swap meet. south el monte, ca. 2012.

Monstrosity Lens Setup - 1792mm Equivalent (Size Matters!)

Storm Clouds over Brown Hills

Rest in Peace Mylonas

Pretty eyes / Jolis yeux :-)

Storm Clouds over Building 66

Sunset in the Redwood Forest

Carbon Canyon 42


Stick in a Reservoir

Sunset in the Empty Forest

California on my mind

Razor Soft

The Fog in the Park

Pumpkin festival #pumpkin#festival#cpp#us#usig#Pomona #calpoly#csu#hk#hkig

Pumpkin festival #pumpkin#festival#cpp#us#usig#Pomona #calpoly#csu#hk#hkig


Abandoned Bike! #mg_nature_series

#invadela #discoverla

Nice day but water's too cold for swimming#Beach

Clouds and airplane

The best part of working on a national holiday is the traffic.

The Path Less Taken

Beautiful Day #invadela #discoverla

Best way to spend the day