Trail or Traffic

Horseshoes II

The Space In Between

Soft Light

2014 - San Diego - La Jolla Cove - Damm, Sit Still - 1 of 2

The New Flickr Format Sucks! Is this a Sign of Things to Come?

Washing Machine

Among the Crowd

Chop Sticks Sol

Around San Diego: Cup with a View

Torrey Pines State Beach

san diego pier

La Jolla Cliffs from Atop The Clam's Cave

The Day Fading Away

Sunset Slider

A Swingin’ Sunset from the “Secret Swings” of San Diego

I love Pepsi!

As Above So Below

Casa Vista

Gateway to Mission Valley

Tunnel Vision

Drop It And Run

Sunset OB Green

The Potholes

Scripps Pier

The Evening Star

Pacific Beach

La Jolla 389

Windansea Nightscape

Sunset Looking North Up the Coast Toward, You Know, Del Mar or Solano Beach or One of Those


Blue Cove

Almost Blue Hour

Torrey Pines State Beach

La Jolla Shores

La Jolla Cove

Enchanted Sea

The Pearl of the West

La Jolla Beach

Windansea beach surf shack

La Jolla Dawn

Mossy Sunset in OB