Over a billion views served ⓒ

From the fishes' point of view ⓒ

San Diego Pier Cafe ⓒ

Time To Go Home! ⓒ

Time To Reflect ⓒ

Beam Me Up Scotty ⓒ

Downtown San Diego Skyline from Bay View Park in Coronado or why there is a Home Depot in Heaven

Horseshoes II

Tunnel Vision

Lifeguard call box...



2014 - San Diego - La Jolla Cove - Damm, Sit Still - 1 of 2


Cosmopolitan Hotel ⓒ

Golden View

Reptile 2

The Gods Are Angry ⓒ

Variegated Machine

Sunset Cliffs Sea Cave, San Diego

La Jolla Potholes

Friday Night Lights ⓒ

Windansea Beach ⓒ

Surfing Safari ⓒ

Uplifting Ending ⓒ

Glowing pastels mauves and pinks ⓒ

Soup Of The Day ⓒ

Drop It And Run

Wizardry 365

The Potholes

Scripps Pier

Inspiration Point

The Evening Star

Windansea Nightscape

Sunset Looking North Up the Coast Toward, You Know, Del Mar or Solano Beach or One of Those

La Jolla, CA

Rough Sea ⓒ

Aloe Veras and Scripps Pier

El Capitan Reflection

Softly Slipping Away ⓒ