Houmas House

Houmas House

Nottoway Plantation view

Nottoway Plantation front view

Nottoway Plantation side view

Nottoway Plantation House (side view)

Nottoway Plantation entry

Mississippi River, Darrow, LA

just another Lazy-Anna day...

Alligator Bayou

St. Gabriel Ag. Research Center

St. Gabriel Ag. Research Center

'n this

Wishing us each time-enough <3

And this.

Happy Tyrsday World :) from me and this happy magical tree!

Happy Freyjasday World!

Textured Oak

Happy Freyjasday World! From me and this happy little tree :)

Happy FreyjasDay World!

Happy Friday World <3

St. Gabriel Ag. Res. Center

Happy Woden'sDay World!

And some days....

March Clouds. I lub'em

Morning Moon setting.

Communing with these beautiful faces <3 Cher t hearts

Sugar Cane