Into the Kentucky wilderness

Into the Kentucky Jungle

CSX W103, Manitou,KY 12/17/2013

CSX Q028, Slaughters,KY 4/29/2016

Post Office 42456 (Slaughters, Kentucky)

Methodist Church

The Eagle Emblem on the Court House

Post Office 42409 (Dixon, Kentucky)

County Named, 1860 Marker (Dixon, Kentucky)

Downtown Dixon, Kentucky

Webster County Courthouse (Dixon, Kentucky)

Webster County Courthouse (Dixon, Kentucky)

Webster County Courthouse (Dixon, Kentucky)

Webster County Courthouse (Dixon, Kentucky)

Webster County Courthouse and Judicial Center (Dixon, Kentucky)

Webster County Courthouse and Judicial Center (Dixon, Kentucky)

Welcome to Providence

Providence Kentucky, Webster County KY

Providence Kentucky, Webster County KY

Providence Kentucky, Webster County KY

Providence Kentucky, Webster County KY

Providence Kentucky, Post Office, 42450, Webster County KY