Buzzards Roost. Lynx, Ohio.

Colorful Barn Art

Grey Hairstreak (Strymon melinus), dorsal view, Shawnee SP, OH PFN

First view

Nathaniel Massie House ("Buckeye Station") — Monroe Township, Adams County, Ohio

Obedient Plant

Upstream view of bridge

Kirker covered bridge, Adams Co, OH side view

Prairie Warbler (Setophaga discolor)

Prairie Warbler - Setophaga discolor - Adams County, Ohio, USA - May 1, 2008

Stream Cruiser - Didymops transversa - Adams County, Ohio, USA - May 1, 2008

Mini Moo!

Stream Cruiser - Didymops transversa - Adams County, Ohio, USA - April 29. 2007

Stream Cruiser - Didymops transversa - Adams County, Ohio, USA - April 29. 2007

Aurora Damsel - Chromagrion conditum - Adams County, Ohio, USA - April 29, 2007

Pepper and Salt Skipper - Amblyscirtes hegon - Adams County, Ohio, USA - May 8, 2007 -01-mod

Small waterfall in Adams County, Ohio

water3.14.08 (38)

Small waterfall in Adams County, Ohio

00123 (76)

Prairie Warbler (Setophaga discolor)

jack Roush day 2013

Stream Cruiser - Didymops transversa - Adams County, Ohio, USA - May 4, 2010

AA Crash 4

MPB/KCB 35-01-05, Adams County, Ohio

Flowering Spurge

A quick trip into the darkness #ohiothebeautiful #canon6d #rokinon14mm #nightphotography

#vscocam #art #southernohio #photography #photo #beautiful #ohio #appalachia #ohiophotographer #oappalachia #adamscounty #manchester