Wintertraum Wetter

settling down

Winter Chalet

Cold winter night in Bavaria (description in the comments)

Day NOT in the office :)

View from the Wallberg

Welcome the first snow!

View to the West from the Wallberg

Spitzingsee IV

Tegernsee 2014

Tegernsee (lake)

Nature Moments in Bavaria

view to the Tegernsee

Gloomy views from the Kreuzberg

Stellenweise wirklich viel Schnee

Europe // Germany // Bavaria // Alps

Autumn lake

Lake Schliersee

#trip #gmund #germany #view #freskizcomunicate @freskizcom

Snow Schnee Hohe Schlüsselblume Primula elatior True Oxlip

Blick über den Tegernsee

Rising fog

Good morning!

Rural House And Landscape In The Evening Sunlight

Joseftaler Wasserfälle

Gewitterwolken überm Tegernsee - Thundery clouds over Lake Tegernsee

Europe // Germany // Bavaria // Obere Firstalm

Josefsthaler Wasserfall

Joseftaler Wasserfall

on the top

One last stop at the lake

Find the lizard!

Josefsthaler Wasserfall

Joseftaler Wasserfall