Wintertraum Wetter

The Bavarian Alps - Wendelstein Church

Winter Chalet

Bayrischzell seen from Wendelstein mountain in Bavaria, Germany

Mountain pass with a view (6x7)

Blick über den Tegernsee

Cold winter night in Bavaria (description in the comments)

The Bavarian Alps - View from Wendelstein Mountain

Beauty of Nature

Wendelstein Church

Wendelstein mountain looking to the North in Bavaria, Germany

The Weather Above The Clouds (Explore)

Alpine Winter Sunset

Nature Moments in Bavaria

View from the Heißenplatte

Made it!

Europe // Germany // Bavaria // Alps

settling down

On Wendelstein mountain looking to the South in Bavaria, Germany

On Wendelstein mountain looking east in Bavaria, Germany

Welcome the first snow!

Rising fog

Beyond The Blue Mountains...

Joseftaler Wasserfälle

Gewitterwolken überm Tegernsee - Thundery clouds over Lake Tegernsee

Cable car from Osterhofen arriving at Wendelstein mountain in Bavaria, Germany

The Bavarian Alps - Wendelstein Mountain

Europe // Germany // Bavaria // Obere Firstalm

View from the Wallberg

On Wendelstein mountain looking to the West in Bavaria, Germany

On Wendelstein mountain with Chapel looking to the East in Bavaria, Germany

View to the West from the Wallberg

Mysterious ruins