View of "V-G-RemiX" - Wednesday, 19 March 2014 - 04:32 GMT+0100

Hongu view

View of "Self portrait" - Saturday, 28 March 2015 - 11:11 GMT+0900

Hiking over the Kumano Kodō



069 熊野本宮

071 熊野本宮

cedar forest around an old shrine, Tanise, Totsukawa

Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage Trails

Hiking over the Kumano Kodō

kumano kodo



070 熊野本宮

kumano kodo

大斎原3・Kumano Hongu Shrine

Hiking over the Kumano Kodō

kumano kodo

Hiking over the Kumano Kodō

玉置神社13・Tamaki Shrine

kumano kodo

Hiking over the Kumano Kodō

kumano kodo