Ein Blick auf den Bodensee, A view of Lake Constance

Border bridge over the Hochrhein ... (1180023)

Steißlinger See, Steißlingen - Germany (1170978)

Stein am Rhein, Schaffhausen, Switzerland

Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider Touring 1959 (1180286)

Fish in the Rhine, Thurgau, Switzerland

Insel Reichenau [Explored 29th April, 2013]

Das Hegau bei Singen; In der Mitte der Vulkankegel Hohenkrähen (Krähen,Krayen)

Into the blue

courtyard view Diessenhofen - Switzerland (1180077)

Picturesque view on Diessenhofen in Switzerland

grey grass and foggy fence.

Bodensee einmal anders

Mountain View

Radolfzell am Bodensee

Reichenau Sunset

Bodman Ludwigshafen Bodensee Germany 2018

Layered Sunset

Perfect momentum

Hegau von oben

Koenigsegg CCXR Edition

Sunset Moments

Horizon Sundance

Fast weather change

sunset 2.)1809-381


Ducktales (Contax G1)

Hand in hand (Contax G1)

Getting up early Motivation

Lake Constance in the evening!

Night shift

Der Rhein beim St. Katharinental

A wintry journey - weiterdingen palace sleeping in a foggy bed

Hegau meet the Alps

Untersee of Lake Constance, Germany and Switzerland

volcanic landscape

beautiful 10min time slot

Het Bodemmeer op een zeer warme dag.


Sunset on the Rhine 3.)1809-384