Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in the Artisinal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in the Artisinal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in the Artisinal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in the Artisinal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in the Artisinal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in the Artisinal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

Inter-Regional Knowledge Sharing on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

Hotel view in Kolwezi

KOLWEZI. Naeem Kora

Kolwezi / Gecamines - washing the ore

Mutoshi mine, Kolwezi

Pollution in Luilu River - Katanga Province, DRC

Les mangeurs de cuivre-39.jpg

Mine inondee

Mine inondee

Uapaca robynsii

Site de Luilu

Mine inondee

Polygala welwitschii

Polygala welwitschii

RDC Kolwezi

Euphorbia discoidea

RDC Kolwezi

Thunbergia kirkiana

Haumaniastrum robertii

Naeem Kora . KOLWEZI