fall mist

Point of view

City view Leipzig

photomotivjäger / photo motif hunter Panometer Leipzig / Panic-stricken meter Leipzig

The View from the Upper Floor - Leipzig, Germany

Streetlife in Leipzig...

Monument to the Battle of the Nations

Abstraktes an Fassaden...

Relaxen im Schatten des "Turms"

Observation tower on Bistumshöhe

Tankers here and there

Sundown at Panorama Tower Leipzig

G.F.O. ...Glasfassaden Flug Objekt!

Aussicht auf Leipzig

Der Strahler-Satz? ...Lampengeometrie :)))

Leipzig at Night

Lazy Day

View from the Battle of the Nations Monument to the chapel of the south cemetery Leipzig (Saxony)

waiting for the doomsday

Monument to the Battle of Nations, Leipzig, Germany

Bird's eye view

Am Störmthaler See

Late Summer II

Leipzig Hauptbahnhof

Enchanted forest


Bless His Ever Loving Heart

Feel the autumn

Autumn fire in the Zoo***HFF

fall colour

Late Summer III

Leipzig vom Wasser aus-4

Cold Sunset

Late Summer

Yet another windmill at sunset

Leipzig skyline panorama

you want poppies- you get poppies

Lovely Sunrise

Morning sky