St Mary's, Horncastle

Dunstan, Lincolnshire

Bardney, Lincolnshire

[NT] View From Tattershall Castle (01). May 2018

Tattershall, Lincolnshire

Holy Trinity Collegiate Church. Open Mic. May 2018

Holy Trinity Collegiate Church. Ornate Ironworks. May 2018

Petwood Hotel view from door to old wing

Holy Trinity Collegiate Church. Lincolnshire. May 2018

Dickinson Y966 DRC William Lovell C of E School Stickney 221014

Holy Trinity Collegiate Church. Ground Zero. May 2018

"Tupholme Abbey"

St Benedict's Church, Haltham-on-Bain, Lincolnshire

St John the Divine, Southrey 10.05.2014

Me & My Spitfire

Lincolnshire Wolds Sunset

Lincolnshire Countryside Skies

Evening Clouds

Petwood Hotel door to old wing

Oak Through Glass

10/31 Autumn Trees

St Oswald, Blankney, Lincolnshire

Kirkby Moor, Lincolnshire

Kirkby Moor, Lincolnshire

Kirkby Moor, Lincolnshire

Props and Pistons 2017 at LAHC, East Kirkby.

Kirkstead Abbey

Just Jane

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus

#tree ,#clouds ,#water

Marsh Fritillary - Euphydryas aurinia

Marsh Fritillary- Euphydryas aurinia

Bardney fields No.2

Church Of The Holy Trinity Tattershall B&W_7300672

Sawfly- Tenthredo maculata

Kirkby Moor, Lincolnshire

2009-05-09ih Window ruin

pond at Abbey Warren Farm

A view from a castle

Woodhall Spa Forest