Light and Shadow

Nature Impression - Moss Seeds

light at dawn

reaching out

25 seconds for myfear

Icy Worm's-Eye View - eisige Froschperspektive

distant blue

IMGP0076c id please? (?Hairstreak) Feldkirchen (Germany), August 2020

IMGP0052c id please? (?Mazrine Blue), Feldkirchen (Germany), August 2020

dreaming of ...

tears in the sky

dreaming five

sunday sundown walk

I like long walks

daramatic sky *

apocalyptic view

shining light

approaching munich

they are watching us ...

bleeding love

where the streets have no names

Two Suns in the Forest

... there is still fog in the valley by Tauras Uzdavinys

Mystic landscape!

Lonely tree

Glonntal bei Sonnenaufgang

Snow, snow, snow

Happy New Year

...ein trüber Tag .

High Key Imression

Mein geliebtes Glonntal .

Schießstätte im Winter .

Bunte Aussicht!

Happy Sunday! Wünsche allen einen schönen Sonntag....

Pair of Twins - Zwillingspaar - rural Landscape

Home Sweet Home - A Rural Panorama in Yellow and Green

Panorama in Green

Bedrohlich ?

Home Sweet Home Winter Panorama - the color version

Weaving Corn in the Blinding Backlight - Wogende Ähren im gleißenden Gegenlicht

Der Weg zum Kreuz