Light and Shadow

Nature Impression - Moss Seeds

light at dawn

reaching out

Icy Worm's-Eye View - eisige Froschperspektive

IMGP0076c id please? (?Hairstreak) Feldkirchen (Germany), August 2020

IMGP0052c id please? (?Mazrine Blue), Feldkirchen (Germany), August 2020

t w o some

shining light

mistaken for a dawn

Beim Nachbarn brennt es

the simple things

Heros Alley in Autumn Colors - Heldenallee in Herbstfarben

25 seconds for myfear

distant blue

dreaming of ...

tears in the sky

dreaming five

sunday sundown walk

I like long walks

daramatic sky *

Two Suns in the Forest

... there is still fog in the valley by Tauras Uzdavinys

Lonely tree

Glonntal bei Sonnenaufgang

Happy New Year

High Key Imression

Pair of Twins - Zwillingspaar - rural Landscape

Home Sweet Home - A Rural Panorama in Yellow and Green

Home Sweet Home Winter Panorama - the color version

Weaving Corn in the Blinding Backlight - Wogende Ähren im gleißenden Gegenlicht

Frozen Veins of Life - gefrorene Lebensadern

Twisted World - Verdrehte Welt

endless sky

Rural Winter Landscape

Bavarian Sunflower Jungle

Alley in icy fog - Allee im eisigen Nebel

Frozen Morning

Colorful Sunset in Ebersberg - Bavaria

beautiful countryside