American Robin Series

On High Alert

Goodyear ZNPK-28 Blimp Control Car

Bridge and reflection


Classic Neon

Carolina Wren

Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca)

Douglas DC-3 (N165LG) (43-1973)

Northern Cardinal

European Starling

same barns different day

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

Mushroom Heaven

Dusk on the Course

@silks_view #nofilter

Green Heron (Butorides virescens)

That's a Stretch

Explosive Reflections

A Fine Day for a Walk

Night Dance of the Maples....

Golden Boy

It’s a good morning



Air and ice.



Spring Time House Finch




Red-winged Blackbird

Powder Hollow - 2013

_DSC0446-2 Stitch-3

In The Grass

Shuttle 450 at Windsor, CT

As long as you follow...

Beautiful CT sky

February Sky