American Robin Series

Bridge and reflection

Sikorsky VS-44A 'Excambian'"

Hwy-5 Bridge, Agawam River

The Hues Of Autumn. On The Racquet River.

Springfield Armory- Main Building

Clipper Ship "Commet" Of New York. In A Hurricane Off Bermuda

Young Girl

View Of Downtown Springfield

Basketball Hall of Fame

Angry Skies

same barns different day

A Fine Day for a Walk

play time

That's a Stretch

On High Alert

Reflect on This

Night Dance of the Maples....

Song Sparrow

Mushroom Heaven


Sun hole in the clouds

Canada Geese on the Farmington River

Sunrise 9/2/2017

Sunset from Old Newgate Prison

It’s a good morning

Picture 1003

As long as you follow...





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Mill Pond Falls - Newington, CT
