Blissful days are made of these. The view from just before the colossal structure as we approach the #buckeyetrail for our journey to the i80 overlook to catch a panoramic view of the fall colors.... #superstructure #towerbridge #bridge_masters #sky_cap

Hobbit Land

Akron OH ~ View pinnacle YMCA Building Photo Mid 1990s

Femur Fracture, Puppy

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2014)

Top O' the Morning to Ya! - Explore #64

Everett Bridge 2

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2014)

2012 Afternoon River View-001

Looking Down Main Street

Pair of Pumpkins

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2013)

A view up above. #ttwdakron

Never say Quit!

2012 Afternoon River View

Another view

New Perspective


Another View

Peninsula, Ohio

The old B. F. Goodrich plant...

Indigo Lake

"Everything Reflects"

Fall in OH - Expired

Water Bridge

This is the last #fall picture I can find to post. I guess I will have accept the fact that winter is here. #akronnaturerealm #fallhikingspree

Everett Road Covered Bridge

Mater Dolorsa Cemetery

Beautiful Saturday morning hike. @summitmetroparks


Akron 765 9-13-14 2364

025 (3)

More snowy hike goodness.




Been working a later shift the last few days. I've enjoyed the morning hikes and change of routine.

Running towards the light

Today, the Ohio river was brown, the hills were brown, the barge was brown...

Hudson Springs Park
