Cossatot Falls Washing Machine (Low Water)

Shady Lake Sunset

Bald Eagle flying over Empty Shady Lake

Bald Eagle Flying Close up

Bald Eagle flying over Shady Lake 3

Bald Eagle flying over Empty Shady Lake 2

Bald Eagle flying Close up 2

Shady Lake with Tall Mtn

Bald Eagle flying Close up 3

Shady Lake Spillway

Shady Lake Peaceful Cove in Fall

East Sabine Creek Summer Day 2

Shady Lake Peaceful Cove in Summer 2

Shady Lake after a Heavy Mountain Rain Storm

East Sabine Creek Summer Day

I have deeply appreciated the birthday texts, posts, and calls today. This was my view earlier when @jermlac and I took Paisley back to the river to throw rocks. (Not a bad way to welcome 33!) I love my life and expect that the next year will continue wit

East Saline Creek Shadows

Shady Lake Peaceful Cove in Summer

East Saline Creek Fallen Tree

Perfect Day

View of Dam

Fall on the Cossatot River

100 foot tree along the Harris Trail. I stepped it off.

Cossatot Falls

Cossatot River

Cossatot Falls

Cossatot River

Cossatot River

Panther Bluff Falls, Dierks Lake, Arkansas

Cossatot Falls

Cossatot Falls

Abandoned Camp Ground

Shady Lake East Saline Creek Bridge

2.01km from Baker Springs, Arkansas