Sunset Terrace Motel - Lewisburg, West Virginia

Spintharus flavidus Spider or Candy Corn?

Winter along the Greenbrier River

Morlunda Barn

Spider Art......Leucauge venusta

The Cardinal heads into Cut #28 in Greenbrier County near Caldwell WV.

Village Motel - White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia

1796 Presbyterian Stone Church

Winter at the Greenbrier

view from the balcony

White Sulphur Springs WV: Greenbrier County: The Greenbrier Resort

Herns Mill Bridge interior

Ghostly Sac Spider...Cheiracanthium inclusum

West Virginia: Greenbrier: The Greenbrier

Full Moon Fever

Appalachian Tiger Beetle on the Greenbrier River (Cicindela ancocisconensis)

West Virginia, Foggy Road Views

Greenbrier Hotel

West Virginia: Crossing the Greenbrier River at Caldwell

9/365 My Water Tower

The View

Lost World Caverns - "Ice Cream Wall"

Peck's Skipper on Vesper's Hill

Lost World Caverns

Blue in the Dew

The Greenbrier River

Lost World Caverns

Camp Alleghany on the Greenbrier River

Lost World Caverns

Greenbrier River Rubies

Lost World Caverns

Greenbrier River

Greenbrier Old White #1 from tee 668

Ground Hunting Prowling Spider...Spinylegged Sac Spider?

Sunset at Crystal Creek

Silvery Checkerspot on Wingstem

Wishing well.... hole....

The Greenbrier (1960s Style)

American Robin Showing His Spots

West Virginia: Greenbrier: coming down from Alleghany Tunnel