148/365 - Incoming Nightfall

Speed (Thank you for 1000 views)

099/365 - Rocking the house

027/365 - City Lights

It's like beeing at the Northern Sea

038/365 - Illuminated Sasol

Industry Stars

m i e s . t h r e e

041/365 - Covered by a bridge

Sunset at an empty House

Panorama View at Halde Norddeutschland

063/365 - Park and Ride

065/365 - Dazzled

101/365 - All directions

Powerplant Walsum

m i e s . s i x

Moers - Römerstraße

Happy 4th week of Advent!

Lead me out

Moers - Römerstraße

Eastside View

Neukirchen-Vluyn - autumnal atmosphere 02

Boeckelt am Abend

Duisburg-Baerl - Lohmühle 03

Neukirchen-Vluyn - autumnal atmosphere 03

019/365 - Crossing with speed limit

Weiden am Niederrhein

Sonnenaufgang Emscherwanderweg

141/365 - Wet roundabout

Neukirchen-Vluyn - autumnal atmosphere 01

076/365 - Wet rocks

Frühling am Niederrhein

the journey

Eine Frage der AEhre...

Duisburg-Baerl - Lohmühle 02

2013-04-18 18.31.34-1

144/365 - Dreams

143/365 - Good morning

159/365 - Trees in the morning

winter pattern

Inside the House