156/365 - Monday morning

168/365 - Into the depth

157/365 - H2-Office I

081/365 - Colorful crossing

136/365 - The devils front door

148/365 - Incoming Nightfall

Speed (Thank you for 1000 views)

Greek colours in Germany

Tiger & Turtle

139/365 - Waiting in the cold

082/365 - Blue Gas

080/365 - Swinging spiral

Krefeld - Burg Linn

084/365 - Nightly courtyard

164/365 - Moonlight (Explored)

069/365 - Historical traffic infrastructure

Krefeld - Burg Linn

161/365 - H2-Office II

Krefeld - Burg Linn

099/365 - Rocking the house

070/365 - Steel industry train

Neukirchen-Vluyn - autumnal atmosphere 02

...a storm is coming

Duisburg-Baerl - Lohmühle 03

Neukirchen-Vluyn - autumnal atmosphere 03

Duisburg - Wedau

019/365 - Crossing with speed limit

Duisburg - Wald

Weiden am Niederrhein

078/365 - Burning sunset

Sonnenaufgang Emscherwanderweg

141/365 - Wet roundabout

Neukirchen-Vluyn - autumnal atmosphere 01

the thing

076/365 - Wet rocks

Frühling am Niederrhein

the journey

Eine Frage der AEhre...

Duisburg-Baerl - Lohmühle 02

Werden und Vergehen