the dock, hammock heaven

Ocean Panorama

Roatan Beach - Perfect Day !!! 90K+ views and 300 + faves - Thank you - Janusz

sunrise on Roatan

Tropical villas

Spotted Cleaner Shrimp CRW_0690

4 chairs

Grooves on CoCo View Wall

Photo 023-2.jpg


Underwater Skull

bottle deposit

CoCo View Dock

Sharp Nosed Puffer

CoCo View Dock

Slender filefish


Roatan, Honduras

Reef Squid

Hawksbill CRW_7147

Blue-headed anole

Honduras January 2015

Honduras January 2015


Honduras January 2015

DSCF0090 Sunset day 1

Beach Palapa

I've just got that minimalist black and white feeling today and sitting on a beach listening to the waves would be my happy place #intentionallylost #moodygrams #blacknwhite #caribbean

Fantasy Island de tarde

Paradise Island - Infinity Bay Resort

Fantasy Beach

Da Place

Fantasy Beach from inside

Honduras January 2015

Little Venice, Roatan Island

Playa en Fantasy Island

Mural - Fantasy Island Resort

Thunderhead moving away..


Mar Abierto por la mañana

Honduras January 2015