Steam locomotive (.... behind the steam)

Hrádek, view of the city

Sundown over the Lake

Window with no view

A view from Luž / Lausche to west

Gipfelkreuz Töpfer - view of 3 countries

Bad Day...

I said!


Winter is here!

Cafe Cup

Camera Hot-shoe Spirit Level (HDR)

Drop II

Panoramablick auf den Kelchstein

Victorinox - Swiss Army Knife

HDR Night Mirror

Frozen lake in Saxony

Sunset over the Lake

Winter view of Oybin from the castle

My First Book!

A Long View

754.061-0 ČD, R 1104 „Bezděz“, Svor – Nová Huť v Lužických horách

754.061-0, Svor

754.061 ČD, R 1104, Svor - Nová Huť v Lužických Horách (Czechia)

831.117-7, Jedlová

Evening on the lookout...

reminder of dark powers

Luž 20180628

Die Elefantensteine (Sloní kameny / Bílé kameny)

Luž 20180628

What does it look like?

Am Roten Hübel

Oberlausitz – Upper Lusatia

Oberlausitz – Upper Lusatia

...and downhill


750.252 + 750.061 ČD Cargo, Mn 86102, Svor (Czechia)

Corn field in the summer

Ruine Kloster Oybin

Nysa Luzycka