Pedernales Falls

Broken Gauges

Abandoned Cabin, Johnson City

Wrecked Fire Truck

Flag on a Wall, Johnson City, Texas

P.E.C. Lights, Johnson City

Christmas Lights at PEC HQ, Johnson City

Feed Mill, Johnson City, TX

Farmhouse, Johnson City, Texas

A Million Points of Light

Crusty Cadillac, Johnson City, Texas

Barn, Johnson City, Texas

Texas Hill Country Vista

Moving Out? Johnson City

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

Wrecked Fire Engine, Johnson City, Texas

Fire Truck

Texas Hill Country

Johnson City at Christmas

Ménage à Trois II

Pump Controls

Pedernales sun

Texas Hill Country, Blanco Co, TX

Texas Hill Country, Blanco Co, TX

Hi Kurt ☺. @khphotos

@morotov Luca! Long time no see! Hope U R well. Thnx 4 the ❤'s :)

Pedernales Falls State Park: last years grass

State Park, Pedernales Falls, clouds

Meditation station

Pedernales grotto

Pedernales Falls State Park: pink dirt

Grazing Cow

Hill Country Lavender_3571-Edit

Pedernales Falls State Park: blue gray

Pedernales Falls State Park: green glow

Pedernales Falls State Park: blue day

Texas Hill Country, Blanco Co, TX

The Rural Scene

Pedernale Falls State Park: wildflower landscape

Spring Creek, Blanco County, Texas

Pedernales Falls State Park: rolling water