Arc De Texas winery

Abandoned Cabin, Johnson City

Broken Gauges

P.E.C. Lights, Johnson City

Tower of the Americas at HemisFair '68 - San Antonio, Texas

PEC Headquarters (December 29, 2007)

Crusty Cadillac, Johnson City, Texas

Got Hay?

Moving Out? Johnson City

Wrecked Fire Engine, Johnson City, Texas

Wrecked Fire Truck

Flag on a Wall, Johnson City, Texas

Christmas Lights at PEC HQ, Johnson City

Feed Mill, Johnson City, TX

Farmhouse, Johnson City, Texas

A Million Points of Light

Barn, Johnson City, Texas

Texas Hill Country Vista

Up a Creek

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

Blanco River

Pedernales Falls

Hi Kurt ☺. @khphotos

@morotov Luca! Long time no see! Hope U R well. Thnx 4 the ❤'s :)

Grazing Cow

Better Than Bluebonnets For Lack Of People

Pedernales River

Texas wildflowers

Winter at LBJ_NHP

Pedernales sun


Flugrath, Sep 15, 2008

The Rural Scene

Lighthouse Hill Ranch

Rushing water

Landscape Boosted

Burnet Wildflowers 2

Catching the Sun

Texas Landscape

The road to Auntie Bill's