Dead Oak Tree under a Full Moon

Macbeth ...Signifying nothing.

Beer Chiller, Thirsty Planet Brewery, Austin

Yucca at Night (haiku)

Hamilton Pool Panorama - near Austin, TX

Hamilton Pool

Driftwood, TX

Dead Cedar Carries (haiku)

Barn Swallows

Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve III

Water Abstract

Barsana Dham Hindu Temple, Austin (for International HDR Day)

Hamilton Pool

Storm Warning

Hamilton Pool near Austin, Texas (2011 version)

Hamilton Pool: natural peep hole

Collings Guitars

A Once Mighty Oak (haiku, hdr)

Spring in Texas

Peter Bushytail, the Easter Squirrel

Hamilton Pool, Aug 2007

Waterfall at Hamilton Pool near Austin, Texas


Hamilton Pool Preserve

Hamilton Pool l/e


Hamilton Pool

Varigated Fritillary

Explore Hamilton Pool: bits o spanish moss

The Dreary

Hamilton Pool

Hamilton Pool

Hamilton Pool: gossamer water

Sea of Wildflowers


Tree Farm - Lower Yurtistan

Texas Hill Country Sunrise

2015.06.28 - Hamilton Pool Preserve - 09.jpg

Purple Haze