Cement Plant

Deep Thoughts

A view of Uniountown Rd. Carroll Co., MD.

The Infamous Tornado Photo [08.14.12]

White Christmas

After the storm.

Willow Silhouette 2

Lights before Christmas

Moon in the Trees

"8X5 Reasons to love Carroll County"

New Windsor Gazebo (HDR)

Mary sunset green

Ticket taker at the Deer Creek Fiddler's Convention, Westminster, MD

Day 60

Baugher's Gift Shop (another view)

Blurry Mary

Rural Carroll Co. MD

In the Trees with a Lens Flare

Lights before Christmas

Snowball stand, Baughers, Westminster, MD

Left Out

Christmas Feeling

Christmas Tree Farm

the straight and narrow

MMID SD40-2-3451 W/B UBEG at Avondale, MD.

The great new technology!

136/365: Maryland Vineyard

Stalking the Crew

Ides of March

Day Seven- Light to Dark

Black Ankle Winery

"The Old Road.

Trail Through The Woods [07.26.12]

The Sun 5.22.2012

Trail Bench

Common Yellowthroat(female)

Autumn - Morgan Run

Morgan Run April 08 024

Black Ankle Vineyards

Sweet country air