Cement Plant

Deep Thoughts

Wood Duck (Male)

A view of Uniountown Rd. Carroll Co., MD.

The Infamous Tornado Photo [08.14.12]

MMID 304 on UBEG, Westminster, MD

White Christmas

New Windsor Sunrise

After the storm.

Country Views

old farmhouse

Lights before Christmas

Berryfield's Farmhouse (side view)

Uniontown Bank

Moon in the Trees

"8X5 Reasons to love Carroll County"

leaf with a view

Gravestone, New Windsor, MD

Ross's Goose One of Four for #284

New Windsor Gazebo (HDR)

Union Bridge - Derelict House

Slime On The Move

the straight and narrow

Forest Path

Streamchasing with friends

136/365: Maryland Vineyard

The great new technology!

Good morning #finksburg

Sweet country air

what happens when the sun goes down

Crazy storm moving through @ the farm

MMID SD40-2-3451 W/B UBEG at Avondale, MD.

Morgan Run April 08 077


Morgan Run April 08 005

green path


Morgan Run April 08 006

Day Seven- Light to Dark

the pond