Castelo Poenari / Poenari Castle

Shattered View on Slatina

Involving view on pallet downside

Vlad's View


Vectra B

Old house with a view

View up the valley

Transfaragas Highway continues...

One favourite view

...and a few hundred steps its still going....

Cetatea Poenari

Going down is much easier...

The climb starts....

Cetatea Poenari

Cetatea Poenari

Romanian villages

Cetatea Poenari panorama

Cetatea Poenari

Cetatea Poenari

Cetatea Poenari

Castelo Poenari / Poenari Castle

Citadel of Poenari where Vlad Dracul lived

The blessed waters of the Carpathians

Albina Mountain near Poenari Castle

Romanian Countryside

Cetatea Poenari

Cetatea Poenari

130630 trip to Romania 28

Die Trans-Fagaras Strasse DN 7C (Drum național 7C))

Die DN 7C (Drum național 7C)

Die Druckwasserleitung aus dem Stausee

Poenari Fortress

Backyard waterfall

2008-10-28_1052-20 Poenari Castle near Curtea de Arges

Poenari Castle

Romanian Countryside

Poienari Castle

Poenari Fortress

Poenari Castle